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April Stephens

Wise Advice For The New Year


Doing it all is “for the birds” in my experienced opinion.  When I was a younger mom, I used to think that I needed to “do it all” to legitimize my ableness as a mother.  Fast forward to today.  At age fifty-one, quite a bit of wisdom has set in and what I have learned over the course of twenty-two years of mothering is that “delegation” is the key to ultimate balance, happiness, and continued personal growth.


You can’t do it all and ever expect to have any room left to grow.  It’s basic reality so stop feeling guilty about it and get smarter while you're still young.  April Stephens shared a wonderful post with regards through her blog 

This Lady Blogs called “Outsourcing Your Household Chores: For Health, Happiness and Home” (written by Mia Morales) that makes perfect sense.  I urge you to read it and adopt her advice in the New Year.  It will make life so much simpler and your future so much fuller, fulfilling, and manageable.  Isn’t that what we all want with every passing year?


What is your personal mantra? 

"Treat people how you want to be treated."


Tell us about you and your life. 

I am married with three wonderful children. My life is busy and a little hectic as I try to balance it all: homeschool, blog owner, and volleyball mom. Honestly, I love every minute of it and wouldn't trade it for anything!


What is the name of your blog?  When was it launched?  

This Lady Blogs. It was launched in mid-April 2013


What is the primary focus of your blog?  

It took me several years to find my niche. In the last few years, I've settled on a lifestyle theme with articles featuring home improvement, beauty, health, travel, and entertainment.


What makes your blog different?

This Lady Blogs began with me, this lady, however, it has grown to a global community of authors from the US, UK, and Australia who regularly contribute content written to inspire, encourage, and teach others.


List any awards you have won.

I'm working on "Best Mom Ever" if that counts. It's a tough one though!


Are you a Brand Ambassador and if so, for which companies?

No, not right now. I'm open to new opportunities and have a few unique ideas to promote brands when the opportunity presents itself.


What is your favorite social media outlet?

Twitter is my favorite because I can easily communicate with my followers. Plus, I'm a huge fan of Twitter Parties. I can't help myself!


What is the one piece of advice you would give to moms who may be interested in beginning a blog?

Only one piece? Wow, I could write an article on this! I would say: Never compare your blog to someone else's blog.


Share the name of a blog you read regularly (besides your own).

I am a huge fan of freezer cooking, so my latest favorite blog is Must Have Mom


Are you an entrepreneur or professional beyond your blog (and outside of being a mom)?  Please share.

No, my focus is to homeschool my children and build my brand, This Lady Blogs at the moment.


Do you support – either formally or informally – a particular social cause?

I am an advocate for women getting regular mammograms and internet safety solutions for children.


When all is said and done, how do you want to be remembered?

As a woman of faith who finished well.


Finishing off the old year well and beginning the new one even better is exactly what each of us should be shooting for. By adopting the word “delegation” into your vocabulary, moms, you will all but guarantee that this year looks bright. Why would you want to leap into it any other way?


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