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Peanut Butter and Whine

'Peanut Butter And Whine' Anyone?


If you told my kids to name two of their mom’s favorite consumable items, I have no doubt that they would all scream “peanut butter and wine.”  I'm a fanatic over both, although I consume each in moderation and without apology.  Hey, we all have our vices!


It seems grandmom blogger Connie Gruning and I are of like minds, although the “whine” she features in the title of her blog denotes a very different kinda experience than the one I prefer.  No doubt, one definitely helps you cope with the other; as such, I love her play on words -- Peanut Butter And Whine.  So clever and highly representative of the woman, herself.  As such, I can understand why Connie has become one of those “go-to” gals that companies look to for product and service reviews.  She’s a character.


She’s also a well-respected voice of reason and ‘sought after’ social media influencer within the mommy (and grandmommy) set.   The only one that may not know about her yet is Disney, whom she is eager to work with.  Hey, what peanut butter lovin’ grandmother doesn’t want to hold hands with the mouse?  


I’m sure they will arrive on her doorstep, shortly, if they are so inclined.  Heck, they may even be reading about her right now. You never know! Either way, you should be by jumping on the interview below...and especially if you favor peanut butter, wine, and kids (whether smiling or whining). 


What is your full name?  

Connie Gruning


What is your personal mantra?

TRY!  What’s the worst that could happen?!


Tell us about your life, including where you live, number of children and anything else you would like to share.

I’m a retired Grandma. I started out as Nonnie and it was shortened by the youngest Granddaughter to The Non. I live in Vista, CA, a suburb of San Diego. I have 3 grown children and 3 Grandchildren. I babysit the youngest of my grandchildren -- a spunky, sassy 5-year-old. Alice and I have spent the weekdays together since she was born. She reminds me everyday why you have kids when you’re young!


Do you believe you have a “life’s purpose?”  If so, share it. 

I believe my life’s purpose is to be a positive influence on my children and grandchildren. Showing them, even during the tough times, that you can be happy.


Finish this sentence, “The best part about being a mom is _____.”

Is the joy and happiness they bring to my life. Before kids and grandkids, I never knew such deep and unconditional love.


What is the name of your blog?  When was it launched?  

My blog is Peanut Butter And Whine. The blog launched in July of 2009. When the blog first launched, I detailed my weight-loss journey and trying to fit peanut butter into my diet. Needless to say, there was a lot of whining! Now almost 8 years later, I’m back to whining about my weight and still loving peanut butter.


What is the primary focus of your blog and what do you hope to accomplish through it?  

My primary focus of Peanut Butter and Whine is reviews. Whether it’s toys, books or diet products. I enjoy the process of reviewing. I am especially excited when the grandkids can be involved. I love encouraging them to tell people what they like or dislike about products. I love the descriptions they come up with. What I’m hoping to accomplish with the blog is a hard question. I enjoy writing, I enjoy trying new products and I would love to continue do so. The ultimate review?  Disney Cruise lines! Eventually they will need our opinions! I’m just sure of it.


List any awards you have won.  

The Top Blogger Award. I was invited by the ZModo company to speak on behalf of their products at 2017 CES in Las Vegas.


Are you a Brand Ambassador and if so, for which companies?  

LEGOLAND California


Do you blog for other blogs or sites?  

I have regular guest spot on Blythe Lipman’s radio show “Baby And Toddler Instruction”, the first Wednesday of every month. 


Which social media outlet do you find most useful?  

I love Instagram and Pinterest. Pinterest is dangerous because there is no such thing as ‘just gonna post this’ I get sucked in every single time.


What is the one piece of advice you would give to those who may be interested in beginning a blog? 

Be consistent!! If you say you are going to have a post every M-W-F then DO it! People will come back if there is something to see! If it’s not there they will stop coming. I made a mistake of bragging that I would write every single day. I do. It’s a habit now. (Yes, you can go check. 8 years. Every. Single. Day. Okay, there was that day that the San Diego had a black out….)  So be consistent; whatever YOUR consistent is.


Share the 2-3 blogs that you follow.

HANDS ON as we grow (Great ideas for kids!)

housewife eclectic (Debra does crafts, food and kids)

Oh So Savvy Mom (Kids and food)


Are you an entrepreneur or professional beyond your blog (and outside of being a mom)?  Please share.  

Nope! Retired 5 years!


Do you support – either formally or informally – a particular social cause?  

MS. My husband has Multiple Sclerosis.  I know the struggles that families deal with.


When all is said and done, how do you want to be remembered?  

I want to be remembered as a good mom. An AWESOME Grandma (I know what I’m doing now… well sorta) Funny. Kind. Caring. Now if you ask my grown children they will add a hoarder.  HEY! You never know when that 2nd grade drawing of the a snake from the now 36 year old will come in handy!  


Hey, Connie.  When it comes to our kids and their works of art, we are all hoarders.  Makes perfect sense to me.  What also makes sense is why I am craving both peanut butter and wine right now. It’s lunchtime, and although the wine will have to wait, that jar of peanut butter is all mine! Just part of my daily diet.  What you should make 'part of yours' is Connie Gruning and her blog Peanut Butter And Whine.  Expect zero calories and lots of great taste!


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