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Dad and Buried

‘Dad and Buried’ Is a Killer Dad Blog!



There are moments in life when we, moms and dads, begin to believe that we may just, finally, be getting a handle on the craziness called “parenting”. This does not mean that we think we are “in control”, mind you. It, merely, means that our normal has flatlined a bit, lulling us into a false sense of security that will, most likely, erupt into one of those life-lessons we never noticed we needed to learn until it hits us right between the eyes.   


Dad blogger, Mike Julianelle, of Dad and Buried, recently reminded me of this through his recent post, “No Pain, No Gain”, which revealed how the unexpected coupling of his young son’s head with a cruising baseball woke him up to a part of his parenting style that he, admittedly, needed improvement.


I love the piece, especially, as it is reveals one of those "Aha" moments that would normally get lost among more mainstream parenting topics.  Yet, it is these little gems that binds us as a mom and pop community and makes Mike Julianelle such an incredibly gifted dad blogger.  He has the ability to spot and field these type of moments humorously, relentlessly, and regularly.  You can always count on him for a 'reality check' and a laugh from a father's perspective.


If you don’t know Mike Julianelle or Dad and Buried already, begin below.


What is your full name?

Mike Julianelle


Briefly describe you and your life, including where you live, children (if any), and whatever else you would like to share?

I live in Brooklyn with my wife and two kids, a 6yo and a 16-month-old. I work full-time in Manhattan and spend too much money for babysitters and beer.


If you were asked to describe yourself in one word, what would that word be?



What is your personal mantra?

You know the monologue Kevin Spacey’s serial killer character recites near the end of Seven?


Share the name of your blog as well as the date it was launched.  

Dad and Buried, and it started in the summer of 2010, before my first son was born. But I didn’t really get down to it until I was a stay-at-home dad in 2013 and had ample time to focus!


Explain what compelled you to begin blogging.

I’ve always been a writer, and I’ve always written in a sarcastic and cynical style, about my life and pop culture. When I was preparing to be a parent, the topic lent itself perfectly to my tone and voice.


Share with us the primary focus of your blog and what you hope to accomplish through it.  

Aside from always needing to write somewhere, about something, I started my blog for two reasons. The first was that I was sick of seeing all the rose-colored takes on parenting because I knew they were bullshit and I wanted to be more honest, and the second was that I was sick of seeing my friends have their lives and personalities subsumed by their role as parents, and I wanted to prove that you could remain who you are even when you had kids. It’s kind of developed into a “warts and all” parenting blog in which judgment is not allowed and lovingly mocking your kids – and venting about parenting in general! - is mandatory.


List any awards you may have won.

Um, I’m on a few “best parenting blog” lists and I was recently selected as one of only two or three men whose work was chosen as a BlogHer 2017 Voice of the Year. I’ve also won the coveted “Second Best Parent in My Own House” award. Very prestigious.


Are you a Brand Ambassador and if so, for which companies?

I am on the Netflix Stream Team but so far most of my sponsored work is one-off stuff, but I do a fair amount of it, especially around Father’s Day! (Forgive me!)


Which social media outlet works best for your public relations/marketing efforts?

Facebook for fan engagement and blog promotion, Instagram for memes, Twitter for jokes.


What is the one piece of advice you would give to anyone interested in beginning a blog?

Have a point of view and don’t give up.


Share some names of favorite blogs you follow.

I hate to say it but I don’t read a lot of blogs. When I’m online I read about news, sports, pop culture, or else I’m writing myself. I’m one of the many dads who don’t read much about parenting, even though I write a parenting blog! I’m the worst person on earth.


Beyond being a blogger, are you an entrepreneur, professional or business owner?  If so, please explain.

I’m a freelance writer and a marketing professional. And I just started a RedBubble page to sell some D&B branded stuff after a bunch of readers asked about one of the mugs that’s often in my photos on Instagram! Just in time for Father’s Day!


Share a social cause or cause-based organization close to your heart.

My wife has multiple sclerosis so I try to spread awareness of MS and other so-called “invisible diseases.” So I’d say the National MS Society.


When all is said and done, how do you want to be remembered?

So long as my wife and kids think I did a good job, anyone else remembering me at all would be gravy.


He’s real.  He’s humorous.  And he provides a dad’s perspective without any sugarcoating.  If that type of insight and blogging appeals to you, Dad and Buried is a “must read”.  You will gain a whole new perspective on fatherhood, today, while laughing your “ass off” in the process.   If you are not already convinced, the following two posts will throw you over the edge.  You can thank me later!









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