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Laura Wellington discusses Grocery Shopping For Free with Dian Farmer

Become A Farmer-phile And Save 'BIG' On Groceries


If you were to ask each of my kids what some of my largest pet peeves were, I have no doubt that the first one mentioned would be "wasting money".  Rich or poor, there is no reason to accept anything less than as much "value for the dollar " as possible, in my opinion. Good money can always be allocated elsewhere, including to the many cause-based organizations desperately in need of financial resources.


Suffice-it-to-say, the conscientious shopper in me leaped for joy when I came across my sister-in-arms, Dian Farmer, who has made a career out of helping others keep more green in their wallets while buying the best greens (and more) for themselves and their families from their grocers.  As supermarket shopping is one of the biggest 'regular expenditures' for many of us today, finding ways to "pay less" and "purchase more" (in both quality and quantity) is vital to maintaining household budgets, especially ones already stretched to maximum limits.


That is why I fell in love with Dian Farmer and her blog, Grocery Shop For FREE. Dian is a busy mom's best friend when it comes to savings and coupons.  She helps you fight for every nickel, while ensuring that the only work that you need do in the grocery shopping process is "download, print, and go."


It can't be any easier nor can Dian Farmer be more genuine in her desire to help you and your family live the best life possible on a budget.  See for yourself in her interview below. 


What is your full name?  

Dian Farmer


What is your personal mantra?

I don’t have one. I guess I had better get busy coming up with one!


Tell us about your life, including where you live, number of children and anything else you would like to share.  

I live in Arlington, Texas, with the best husband I could ever have imagined.  We have four kids, four grands and one on-the-way!  We have worked together as Youth Pastors for over fifteen years - Pastors, owners of a 'home repair' business, and now bloggers.  I love working with my husband every day; it works for us.  


Do you believe you have a “life’s purpose?”  If so, share it. 

I believe it would be "to share freely what I have and know."


Finish this sentence, “The best part about being a mom is _____.”  

My kids.  I love how they make me laugh and how they make each other laugh.  There’s nothing I like more than spending time with my husband and kids.


What is the name of your blog?  

Grocery Shop For FREE


When was it launched?

2009.  I was selling coupons on eBay before I started my blog. I loved that I could (and would) shop for FREE.  So, I wrote as well as opened an eBay store.  Both had to have a name, so I chose Grocery Shop For FREE because that is what I was doing.


What is the primary focus of your blog and what do you hope to accomplish through it?  

To teach people to live frugally, without sacrificing a 'good life'.  I want to help people see how they can cut down on their grocery bills - one of the largest monthly expenses - and still eat well and have plenty.


Which social media outlet (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pnterest, etc) do you find most useful?

Facebook, but, it is definitely a constant challenge with all of the continuous changes they make.


What is the one piece of advice you would give to those who may be interested in beginning a blog?  

Know that it is not a race or a 'get rich quick' scheme.  It takes time to develop a following, a rhythm, and to begin making money.  But, it can be done.  You can live well on a blogging income.


When all is said and done, how do you want to be remembered?  

As someone who gave of herself to others --always ready to have fun and laugh.


Is it any wonder this mom blogger has collected such an enormous following given where she lives, both personally and professionally?  Makes sense to me.  Now, why not let Dian make 'cents' for you. Become a Farmer-phile and learn to Grocery Shop For FREE


It's, by far, the best grocery shopping tip I can give you!

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