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Fresh Eggs Daily

Lisa Steele Ain’t No Chicken!


One of the benefits of living where I do in Connecticut is that you can always find fresh eggs at the various local farm stands.  They taste so much better than store-bought eggs and you feel so much healthier eating them.  


We eat so many eggs in my household that I’ve often wondered what it would be like - including how much work it would take - to raise and keep a few of my own chickens.  A complete novice, even though I grew up in farm country, I decided to seek out an expert and landed upon blogger Lisa Steele and her site Fresh Eggs Daily.  My uneducated chicken-raising dreams would soon meet reality through a woman who had led a very interesting life up-to-this-point or so I would come to learn.


Once a Wall Street regular, Lisa Steele would, eventually, return to her family's farming roots to raise chickens with her husband.  Since then, the two of them have grown quite a business, with Lisa doing everything from writing books, to selling products to starring in informative videos on everything chicken-centric.  It all happens out of her home in Maine, and her fans are clucking with delight, including me, now.  


If you have the least bit interest in chickens, you will too once you read her interview below and keep up with her, regularly, through her blog.  The information she offers is something to crow about.  


What is your full name?

Lisa Steele

What is your personal mantra?

“Haters gonna hate!” Hahaha! No seriously, I think it would have to be, “You are only as happy as you decide to be.” I sort of paraphrased that from Abraham Lincoln.


Tell us about you and your life.

I live on a small farm in the woods of Maine with my husband and flock of chickens and ducks, two dogs and a cat.

What is the name of your blog?  When was it launched?  

Fresh Eggs Daily. Est. 2011  


What is the primary focus of your blog?  

Natural chicken keeping, organic gardening, growing and using herbs, and DIY.


List any awards you have won.  

Better Homes and Gardens Top Ten Gardening Blog

Blogger of the Year Finalist, The Blogger Network

Top Poultry Blog by Feedspot

Top Ten Gardening Blog, Nature Hills Nursery

Top Green Lifestyle Blog, Green Match UK

Golden Trowel Award, Top 50 Gardening Blogs

Top Farming Blog by


Are you a Brand Ambassador and if so, for which companies?

Duluth Trading Company, Tractor Supply Company, Gardeners Supply Company, Ball Canning

What is your favorite social media outlet?


What is the one piece of advice you would give to moms who may be interested in beginning a blog?

Wait until your kids are in school! It takes a huge commitment if you plan on making a business out of it. The more you put in, the more you get out. I can't even imagine doing what I do and raising small children. The chickens are enough!


Share the name of a blog you read regularly (besides your own).

Wow...who has time to read blogs? Hahahaa! I follow a bunch of cooking blogs mostly.  

Cooking Classy

Drinking With Chickens (because really...How can I not?)


Are you an entrepreneur or professional beyond your blog (and outside of being a mom)?  Please share.  

No, my blogging/writing - both freelance and my books - is my full time job.

Do you support – either formally or informally – a particular social cause?

I donate money to CorgiAid and Majestic Waterfowl (a duck and goose rescue organization)

When all is said and done, how do you want to be remembered?

Honestly, I want to be remembered for being a kind person who loved animals. Not too much to ask, I don't think...


In the day of organic and all-natural everything, Lisa’s chicken-raising practices and blog fit right in.  I recommend you find space for both in your families lives.  I promise you...after you devour a fresh egg, you will never go back. Same for Fresh Eggs Daily. Nothing ‘scrambled’ about that truth.   


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