‘Groovy Green Livin’ Is Groovy, Green and Growing!
I remember when I first met Lori Popkewitz Alper. It was almost two years ago. I had stumbled across some nifty planters she had made out of sneakers and posted to her blog, Groovy Green Livin. So struck was I by the cleverness of her invention (craft-wise and eco-friendly-wise), I contacted her with the intention of booking her on a talk show I was working with at the time. Suffice-it-to-say, the conversation that ensued turned out to be even more colorful (and memorable) than her darling planters.
Describing herself as a recovering attorney, Lori delved into the reasons she traded in her legalese for green-speak and mommy-jargon. "Lori’s calling to ‘make the world a better place’ became vastly different from anything that she could accomplish in a courtroom," she explained. And so, courageously, she seeded a new plan and changed the direction of her professional career to something that made more sense to her.
“True” to herself, her family, and the planet, Lori has since become a well-respected force of nature in the mom blogging community, whose authenticity and ‘crafty’ demeanor is increasing the ‘green’ for her as well as the rest of us. Everyone wins through Lori’s efforts and that is pretty groovy if you ask me…as is her interview below. Take a moment to read it and let what she says germinate a bit in your own head. You never know what will grow out of it, if you do.
What is your full name?
Lori Popkewitz Alper
Where do you live?
Just outside Boston, Massachusetts.
How many children do you have?
Three incredible boys.
If you were asked to describe yourself in one word, what would that word be?
What is your personal mantra?
Together, we can change the world.
Tell us about you and your life.
I’m a recovering attorney and the founder and editor-in-chief of Groovy Green Livin. I live in the Greater Boston area with my three sons and my groovy husband. In my free time, I can be found practicing yoga, pitching a baseball, running, cycling, skiing, reading, cooking, or trying out a new eco- friendly product.
Finish this sentence, “The best part about being a mom is _____.”
The love
How long have you been blogging for? Do you blog for any group blogs or websites beyond your own?
I’ve been blogging since 2010. It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 6 years! I have written for many sites in addition to my own. Currently I’m writing for Moms Clean Air Force, HealthyWay, The Huffington Post, Stonyfield Yogurt Dish and the Tom’s of Maine Good Matters blog.
Share with us the significance of the name of your blog to you. How did you come up with it?
It took a full year to decide on a name. Many of the names I wanted were already taken. I knew what I was trying to convey when I chose the name. I wanted my readers to know that I was going to cover everything on ways to work together to make the world a bit safer for everyone.
What is the primary focus of your blog?
Groovy Green Livin is a site dedicated to sharing simple green living tips and trends with an occasional foray into the world of parenting.
What makes your blog unique?
My writing approach and style are unique. I strive to provide my readers with important information without being preachy. My goal is to educate and then allow everyone to come to their own conclusion. Everyone is in a different phase of this journey. There is no room for judgment.
Tell us about your blog in depth, including what you hope to accomplish through it.
Groovy Green Livin is a site dedicated to sharing simple green living tips and trends. It has also evolved into a platform to share advocacy issues and encourage readers to use their voice, since I truly believe that together we can change the world. You’ll find everything from safe product suggestions to hot topics within the green and parenting communities.
Are you a Brand Ambassador and if so, for which companies?
I’m a brand ambassador for quite a few companies, including Stonyfield, Tom’s of Maine, Healthy Child Healthy World, Better Life, Natural Vitality and the Boston Red Sox.
Beyond your blog, do you engage in other social media outlets such as Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, etc.?
I do! I’m very active on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
What is the one piece of advice you would give to moms who may be interested in beginning a blog?
Do it! The best advice given to me was to write from your heart.
Are you an entrepreneur or professional beyond your blog (and outside of being a mom)? Please share.
I view my blog as my resume for the past 6 years. You can find a listing of the companies I’ve worked with and the media recognition I’ve received. Beyond my blog I have close working relationships with many brands and provide consulting services to a variety of companies and individuals.
Do you support – either formally or informally – a particular social cause?
There are many social causes I feel committed to and do my best to support.
When all is said and done, what is the one thing you hope your loved ones and those who knew you remember about you?
That I was successful in making the world a better place.
When all is said and done, few people ever find the courage to change course mid-stream, even if their reasons to do so are sound. The fact that Lori did - especially for a purpose larger than just herself - makes her a very grounded, well-rooted leader. Her willingness to stand tall and stand out is admirable. I think I even admire them more than those sneaker-based planters that, initially, brought us together. Although, truthfully, those were pretty cool. Maybe I can get her to recycle that blog post. We’ll, see.
At a minimum, read Groovy Green Livin and get in the groove of being entertained and informed in the hippest and greenest of ways.