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Ravi Chahar’s Affair Of The Heart


I’m a sucker for a great love story, even when the premise is unconventional -- in this case, “a man and his blog”.  Ravi Chahar is the man and BloggingLove is the….well, you know.  I needn’t spell it out for you, right?  Ravi, however, spells a ton out for all of his readers in the form of worthwhile blogging advice - complete with hefty doses of love - through his online venture.  And he does so with the hope that what he has to offer will impassion others to fall in love (and stick with) their blogs too.


He has me hooked.  Reason being?  Ravi is a sensible blogger, who’s blogging wisdom runs the gamut and doesn’t propose blogging to be anything it’s not (or the industry, for that matter).  He’s a “truth teller”, who aspires to gain his audience’s trust -- a critical element in any relationship, especially one founded upon love.


As blogging suitors go, Ravi sits at the top of the metaphorical list.  Let him take you out for a spin through his interview below.


What is your personal mantra?

I have always considered blogging as a source to express, connect and share. The most important factor to become a pro is that you should be consistent with the quality of your content.  Then you should be committed.  In this blogosphere, there are many bloggers striving to acquire their place as famous bloggers, but due to lack of the patience, they fail.


Share a brief bio so that we may understand more about you, including history, background and current day relevant information.

I am Ravi Chahar  -- a blogger, web developer and designer. During my college days, I used to be a part-time blogger.  After finishing my degree in Computer science and Engineering, I entered the blogging field.  I have developed my own WordPress custom theme from scratch, which is running on my blog. I have been customizing the WordPress themes including Thesis framework for a long time.  WordPress is one of the best CMS that I have ever come across. There maybe thousands of plugins in the WordPress repository but I always go with the codes.  Right now, I am sharing my experience about blogging, social networks, WordPress, Theme development and designing etc.


Share the name of your blog and explain what drove you to begin to blog.

I have always dreamed of building something of my own and I ended up with BloggingLove. Does the name sound odd to you? Well, I love blogging and that’s what the name of my blog describes. You can visit BloggingLove to learn more.  In my opinion, blogging is one addiction you should never get rid of. The more you write, the more you learn that blogging is the best way to follow your heart, your passion, and your dream to become your own boss.


What is the focus of your blog?  How is it different than others of like focus?

You may read many blogs every day, but not all of them have the power to keep their readers’ attention. BloggingLove is a blog for everyone, from the beginners to the pros. I believe in providing content  worth sharing, worth reading. People need something with which they can relate, minus manipulation or disingenuous motives. Additionally,  you can’t compare your blog to another. I never think about it. Blogging isn’t about any competition; it’s about sharing what you have learned.


What have you found to be the best social media platform to promote your blog and how many readers do you approximately reach?

Twitter and Facebook are the best social media platforms. Facebook groups can reward you with hundreds of visitors with one single post. Twitter provides you the power of Retweets, connecting you with more people, faster. Tweet your content and boom, here you are with a nice following.


What is the biggest challenge bloggers face today, in your opinion?  Provide a few tips on how to overcome this challenge.

One of the biggest challenges is driving the traffic to your blog. Bloggers really need to focus on their blog promotion strategies. Have you read the 80/20 rule? It’s 20% writing and 80% promotion. Bloggers just generate the content and forget about its promotion. They should promote their content at different places including the social media platforms, blogging communities, LinkedIn groups, Medium, BizSugar and more. And don’t be “I am the one” person. Connect with your fellow bloggers to get more exposure to your blog.


What is the best piece of advice you can give to someone who would like to begin a blog?  Who has an already existing blog?

If you want to enter into blogging, never read those ficticious guides that promise you millions of fans overnight.


  • Blogging is a slow process and it takes years to build a rock solid blog.

  • You should have the patience.

  • Never leave your job until you become financial stable.

  • Follow your passion, not what people say.

  • Choose a niche you love.

  • For a professional blog, choose WordPress.


Never get disappointed with your growth rate. Focus on what you have, your blog, your writing skills.


What is the most unrealistic expectation of bloggers?

Do you like money? Who doesn’t? One of the more unrealistic expectations of bloggers is that they will make money within minutes of launching a blog.  Blogging is hard work and can’t only be about money.  The process must begin with sharing, caring, connecting, and following your passion. Never make “money” the priority over blogging. You will have a bundle of those green, shiny papers but only if you wait, work diligently, and keep consistent.


What are your future blogging or social media goals?

Blogging is what I love. I contribute to my blog at least 10 to 12 hours a day.  My goal is to make BloggingLove one of the most popular destinations for bloggers.


Share a social cause or cause-based organization you support.

You know, people like to get treated well, they want someone to appreciate them, guide them. I am here for everyone who wants to achieve the glory in this blogosphere.


When all is said and done, how do you want to be remembered?

As a mentor and hero to others who struggle, both in and out of the blogosphere.


There is no question in my mind regarding Ravi’s love and commitment to blogging.  I can understand it as, once you find your niche, the process evolves into a passionate affair of many -- all of whom become quite important.  My own devotion is off the charts.  That said, Ravi’s seems greater least, when it comes to honing and expanding the tricks of the trade.  Needless-to-say, BloggingLove isn’t for the sleight of hand or faint of heart...nor is the loyal example of the author behind.   More conventional relationships might think to take a cue, if you ask me.


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